1 Kings 18:20-21, 30-39

Luke 7:1-10

Rain Dance- during our long drought have you ever wanted to do a rain dance? Appeal to any force that might bring rain? Israel was in a three-year drought. The evil king Ahab and his Baal worshipping wife Jezebel had eroded the people’s faith in God, introducing them to Baal. They were limping along worshipping Baal the agricultural god instead of the Lord. Hence the dramatic challenge we just heard. The Baal prophets praying for hours to light the sacrifice, with no voice, no answer and no response. Elijah the last prophet of God, the last one under the authority of YHWH. Listen to the authoritative word of God as it comes from gospel of Luke.

When was the last time you said the pledge of allegiance? I had not said it in years until I started going to Toastmasters and we say it every week. I was shocked to discover that only about half of this great group of people chooses to make the pledge. Only half put themselves under the authority of this nation. Did you know that our pledge of allegiance has had four versions? The first in 1892 stated, “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” The flag comes first, the colors people united behind to go to war. (A line from Henry the VI, “Sound trumpets! Let our bloody colors wave! And either victory, or else a grave.”) Before there were countries there were colors. Then in 1923 we added “United States of America” and in 1954, declared our nation under the authority of God by adding, “one Nation, under God.”

What does it mean to be under God? It means we are under God’s authority, God has dominion over our lives and we willingly serve God. I wonder if that line was removed would more people say the pledge allegiance. Is it God they take issue with or is it that they don’t want to give their authority over to any person, place or thing? I think we struggle in the 21st century to submit ourselves to authority. Even if we believe, often there is a part of us that does not fall completely under God’s command.

Both our passages speak to this question. The nation of Israel, God’s own people, was not under God’s authority. All of God’s prophets had been killed except Elijah. They limped along worshipping both Baal and God. They had lost their faith. On the other hand, the centurion, a Roman soldier, could have schooled them on what it means to be under authority. His very approach to Jesus showed his respect, his deference to Jesus. He sent Jewish leaders on his behalf, humbling seeking to save a life. But as Jesus approached, the centurion did not even feel worthy to have him under his roof. How many times have you said, “While you are living under my roof… these are the rules.” Roof is a metaphor for authority. You are saying, “This is where I am in charge!” But unless you ask God, invite God, to be the authority in your home, then you are not under God’s authority. For you to be under God’s authority, God must be your highest authority.
So whose authority are you under? Before you get all ruffled let’s think about some of the authorities you naturally are under. A doctor writes a prescription and you follow those directions. When we drive, we are under the authority of the traffic safety laws and we are all the safer for them. As children we were under our parent’s authority to learn right and wrong. When employed we were under our boss’s authority. Our veterans certainly know what it is like to serve under another’s authority.

So what does authority mean? Authority is defined as “the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.” It is also defined as, “a quality that makes something seem true or real.” As I thought about these, I see two areas of authority; the authority to command, and the authority to believe. To give orders and make decisions is really a command function. The centurion gave a great example of the authority to command, when ordering his soldiers, he said “to one, “Go” and he goes, and to another “Come” and he comes, and to my slave, “Do this” and the slave does it.” He has the authority to make decisions and give orders. If soldiers under his command or his slave fail to follow his authority, he has the power to enforce obedience. But we all know that the best authority is earned, like respect, and not imposed.

God has given us ten commands and Jesus as given the two greatest, to love the Lord your God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. But God does not enforce obedience. God gives us freewill to follow his command, to willingly place our lives under God’s authority. Scripture declares, “And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands” (2 John 1:6). To love as Christ asks is to obey Christ’s command, to be subject to Christ’s authority.

How about the authority of belief? The authority to believe is that quality that makes something true or real. After the other prophets prayed, but there was no voice, no answer, no response from Baal, the authority to believe came from Elijah. Elijah built the alter, had it dowsed with water three times and then prayed to God to light the offering. AND THERE WAS LIGHT! God made fire consume the offering and people believed, saying the Lord indeed is God, YHWH is indeed God. Through Elijah’s action, God became real again. People were inspired and had the authority to believe. The centurion also had the authority to believe. His faith amazed Jesus. He felt unworthy to be in Jesus’ presence but completely confident in Jesus command to heal his slave. That is faith! That is the authority of believing! It was a military man who showed us such faith!
In honor of Memorial Day, I want to say thank you to every person who has served our great nation. We owe you our deepest gratitude. General George Patton seems to sum up these two forms of authority saying “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do (command) and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” (inspiration). God inspired by igniting the fire, and establishing his authority, Jesus inspired by healing the slave and affirming the centurion’s belief!
“Are you under the authority of God?”
Are you under the authority of God’s word now and throughout the week?
Do you let Jesus make decisions and give you orders?
Does he have command in your life? Only then will Jesus be amazed by your faith.
Jesus will never enforce your obedience; rather he desires a relationship with you, one that inspires you to willingly give him command authority.
On this Memorial Day weekend pledge your allegiance to Christ granting him the authority to command and to inspire your belief in our most awesome God. Amen.