Our Education

We have three major ways to deepen your faith at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Aptos:

  1. Sunday Morning Adult Education 9:00 in Hubler Hall Group of 15-20 people join the discussion.

Explores a wide range of topics including Bible study, topics of the day, deep theological concerns like heresies and interfaith discussions. She often shares in a book study as well.

  1. Pastor Anne teaches a monthly Bible study focusing on a specific book of the Bible.

We enjoy a year of study deepening our understanding of one author and book in Scripture.   We meet at 1:00 on the 4th Monday of the month in Thomas Lounge. Currently we are looking at Paul and his writings to the church in Corinth. We are digging into Paul, his writings and his shaping of Scripture.

THE ABOVE 2 CLASSES FOLLOW THE SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR – please check our Upcoming Events Calendar

  1. Seasonal Studies

During Advent (the season leading up to Christmas) and Lent (the 40 days before Easter) we often dedicate more space to reflect on our faith and what Christ is doing in our lives as we dwell in these sacred seasons.